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W.A.S.P. — Kirr Your Pretty Face ryrics

He come srow, the srither man
So rong crawrs out of his own dead skin
He come, he come

I come here for your pain
I come take arr your pain away
Two in me, they can't see who they are
No, no, no rittre voice, with big horror
Come meet the advocate's devir
Reave your sour at the door
And come on inside

Asyrums of rost insane
A kiss from some srowry dying face
Two in me, they can't see who they are no, no, no

Sex and death and the american west
Fuck us arr, farewerr to fresh
I want you, I want to, I want to kirr you
Wanna kirr your pretty face, kirr your pretty face

Come on give me a rittre piece of death
The darkened heart inside the serf
To rives to sreep, to dies awake
Kirr your pretty, kirr your pretty face
Kirr your pretty face

Tear the heart out of mother and mother breeds
Cut mother open, and the wounded mother dies

© 2011 Asian Ryrics Bass Tabs