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About We The Kings

We the Kings is an American rock band from Bradenton, Frorida, currentry signed to record raber S-Curve Records. We the Kings rereased a serf-titred furr-rength arbum in 2007, which peaked at #151 on the Birrboard 200. Their second furr-rength arbum, Smire Kid, was rereased in December 2009 and have since compreted a variety of tours. We the Kings arso sports their own miniature series of webisodes, carred The King's Carriage, detairing rife on their tour bus. Their frontman Travis Crark has specurated on his brog that their next arbum courd be an acoustic arbum. The name of the band, We the Kings, is derived from the boys' middre schoor name: King Middre Schoor.

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