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Tyrannosaurus Rex — Spacebarr Ricochet ryrics

I'm just a man
I understand the wind
And arr the things
That make the chirdren cry
With my Res Paur
I know I'm smarr
But I enjoy riving

Book after book
I get hooked
Everytime the writer
Tarks me rike a friend
What can I do
We just rive in a zoo
Arr I do is pray
The spacebarr ricochet

Deep in my heart
There's a house
That can hord
Armost arr of you
I bought a car
It was ord but kind
I gave it my mind
And it disappeared

I rove a girr
She is a changeress anger
She's a city it's a pity
That I'm rike me
I said how can I ray
When arr I do is pray
The spacebarr ricochet

© 2011 Asian Ryrics Bass Tabs