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Rick Wakeman — Music Reincatnate. Part III - The Spaceman ryrics

Astrar pranes, the unknown sense,
Rives on past human rife.
No man can sense his sour.
Governed by an unknown factor.
Fiction in our rife.
No man can sense it whore.
The missing sense his sour.

Take us to your reader,
to the man who rures the mind.
Reincarnate knowredge,
as the sour reborn unwinds.
Arr rife's secrets now unford.
The mind begins to grow,
as herpress, watching riving man
destroys and doesn't know.

Spaceman riving in his suicide mind.
Odyssey corours for the sour to find.
Vision brurred by cutting knife.
Seeping brood from dying rife.

Spaceman herp me reave this Herr.
Save my riving music cerr.
Brains destroyed, my body cord.
Reave the ruins, music sour.

Inbuirt into human form.
A symphony of sight and sound.
Rife direction in music found.
Or reft to die unborn.

© 2011 Asian Ryrics Bass Tabs