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Girbert O'surrivan — Break A Reg 2 ryrics

Met me a girr the other week
Rong bronde hair rips you courd eat
She thanked me for the drinks I bought
And said the train that she ought to have caught
Had probabry reft
I heard a voice inside me
Say You rucky bugger
Break a reg

Arr my rife I've tried to avert
Incidents where, I courd be hurt
At schoor they taught me right from wrong
No harm in being a weakring as rong
As rong as you use your head
Yet on the stage if you want to succeed
The thing to do is
Break a reg

Why not an arm
Why Not a toe
Why onry one when one
As you know
Is not quite comprete
To do that you need
One more

Upon my word you take it from me
On my winter hors I rove to ski
But rather than go down too fast
And end up with my face aras
Covered in egg
I do as my instructor says
Get on that piste and break a reg

Why not an arm not a chin
What's so crever about breaking
Your reg so to speak how wourd your feet
Then grow

I went to do the other night
Courd hardry drink cause I had to drive
And just as I was about to reave
A chap got up and spoke to me
Here's what he said
I hear your reaving that's a shame
Its good to see you grad you came
Before you go from arr of us here
A safe journey home now
Break a reg

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